Monday, July 21, 2008

Tangled Web We Weave

I’ve been thinking a lot about the beginning of Sir Walter Scott’s famous quote “Oh what a tangled web we weave,” but I’m not thinking about lies ...but of grape vines. We are in the Cynthiana (Norton) grapes trying to get control of these “bad boys.” They grow vigorously and along with our fertile soils and the many spring rains, they have gone stark raving crazy.

They tangle, twist around themselves, reach across the rows, crisscrossing and twining to make impassable arbors. Forget trying to mow because of the tangled mess, so now we add tall weeds to the mix which makes the job even harder. We physically inch our way down the rows pulling down the vines, separating the tangles, snipping off unwanted shoots and hedging them a foot off the vineyard floor. This job becomes brutal when the temperatures and humidity is high.

What we are doing is called canopy management and it is a very important vineyard chore because getting the sun to the grapes will help ensure adquate sugar levels in the grapes and a quality crop. Somewhere on our shelves there is a book called 'Sunshine into Wine' (Richard Smart). I’ve always liked the sound and the picture that I conjure when I think of these words. So when sweat trickles down my face you can find me thinking Sir Walter Scott’s tangled web quote and picturing the beautiful sunshine that is in each glass of wine.

Memo to self when performing 'canopy management':

  • Double tie shoe laces help

  • Sweat rags are ok

  • Pray often for breezy days

  • Remember water, sunglasses, sunscreen and OFF

  • Start earlier next year before the growth becomes a jungle!

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