Sunday, May 11, 2008

Italian Riviera

Cinque Terre means five villages and is considered the Italian Riviera. The towns are Riomaggorie, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza and Monterosso. A daily boat connects the little villages plus there is a trail that ties all of the towns and can be hicked in about 5 hours.

We stayed in Riomaggorie, which is considered the working town with fewer resorts. Our guide book by Rick Steves describes it a "fascinating tangle of pastel homes leaning on each other like drunken sailors." Once we read that, we knew we had found our village!

Vino delle Cinque Terre is inexpensive and is a wonderful white wine especially with the sea food. A sweet dessert wine is Sciaechetra which is very popular in the Cinque Terre region. The vineyards go straight up the mountains and were neat and well groomed. We especially enjoyed seeing the people work the vineyards with techniques similar to what we do with our vines. It also reminds us of all the work that awaits as the growing season begins in Missouri.

We are off to Tuscany! Think of us as we taste the wines and cuisines of the hill towns!

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