I can remember back to my pre-teen days when a family friend gave me a cassette tape of ABBA music. I’d put the cassette into my old-style player and sing at the top of my lungs. My favorite song of all? Mamma Mia. The rhythm. The lyrics. The beat. It was all golden to my ears.
Later in my high school years, I have strong memories of my parents cleaning house in tandem to Take a Chance on Me, Waterloo and The Dancing Queen. Music turned up loud, they dusted and vacuumed while moving’ and groovin’ to ABBA.
Where is all of this going you may ask? Well, I’ve been reminiscing about the music of ABBA because we’re throwing a Mama Mia party Feb. 28. We’ll have a big screen TV and play the sing-along version of the movie. While February includes Valentine’s Day and is proposed by card manufacturers that the month is about couples and relationships, we like to celebrate Her in February – thus the chick-flick movie themed party at the end of the month.
But really, ABBA’s music holds special memories for many of us Gen Xers (and Boomers!) in one way or another. And the bottom line is, ABBA’s music makes us feel good and happy! Hope you can make it to our Mama Mia party and sing your hearts out with us!