We also learned this group of fun loving people are small wine producers AND meat smoker

Any BBQer knows that contests include a lot of eating and more than a little drinking. The story goes that at competition around 11 pm when the loud talking turns to quieter conversations, the other BBQers come calling on Smokin’ Swino’s. Why? Because they have their own stash of wine they’re more than happy to share!
I think it’s more than just sharing a home-brew with neighboring BBQers. Wine at a BBQ contest – or any other meal occasion – is perfect because it helps enhance the flavors and aromas of any food. In a recent newspaper column, Doug Frost (http://www.dougfrost.com/), master of wine and master sommelier, says wine is a great companion to food for lots of reason including digestibility, flavor, sociability and conviviality.

For our holiday meal, Richard grilled a beef tenderloin. Yum! As we sat down to dinner, we discussed which wine to pair with the dinner. Our choice? The 2005 Cynthiana. And what a pairing it was! While I must admit, the Cynthiana is my favorite and I believe it goes with EVERYTHING, the wine brought out the richness of the beef and rounded out the overall taste for me.
The fun part of wine and food pairings is you can do anything you want. Don't be limited to the white wine with white meat and fish. Go crazy. Try a medium bodied Chambourcin with orange roughy and see what happens. You may find something you love!
Happy Holidays and Happy Wine Pairing!